"This is Delta Squad. They are everywhere. I repeat. They are everywhere... Arrrgghh!" *static*
"Don't come near me! I'm a prince!"
"God help me"
Need I say more?
This is Sony's ad for its BRAVIA line of television, aired in Europe. The company airs a different ad on our shores. You can view or download the ad here.
You come home and someone gives you a candy bar, specially kept for you. You take a bite and cringe. It sucks and actually no one wanted it.
It's the middle of the night and a member of your family asks if you're hungry. You say yes. Very well indeed, you can now proceed to make supper for said family member as well.
You're woken up at 4am and your sis (whose room is just beside yours) asks if you would like a trip to the loo.
You wake up at 1pm, feeling hungry like hell, but you wait for you mom to come home with lunch. At 3pm, you get a phone call from her telling you to have lunch yourself.
Classes finished at 5 and when you call at 6, turns out they forgot about you.
Dad packs four laksa home, but there's 5 of us. He turns to you and says, "you've got sorethroat wat."
You're watching tv and someone switches the channel. When you throw a tantrum complain, they tell you to "watch it some other day."
You decide to be a good son and wash the dishes piling in the sink, your mom spots you and compliments you. You feel proud of yourself. Then she adds, "while you're at it, wipe the windows, mop the floor, scrub the kitchen tiles and dust the furniture. I'm going out. Bye!"
After 4 weeks of being away from home, the first thing your mom says to you is "how come got so much pimples?"
You complain you're hungry and they tell you to "diet".
Went for dinner today wif sis and dad, nothing fancy. Just hawker fare. Unsurprisingly, I saw a cat, a black one. You know what they about black cats and bad luck. Well, it's just superstitions right. Right?
Me being the nice, caring and thoughtful brother that I am, decided to warn my sis.
"Eh, there's a cat under the table." "Where? Where?" Tilts to the side to look. "Aiyar, went off d lar."
Actually I alerted her not just because she's my sister and I love her, but also cause I didn't want her prawn mee to become prawn me.
There I was sipping my soup, imagining how funny it would have been had the cat brushed against her leg unnoticed. Probably would have let out an embarrassing shriek.
It was me. Stupid cat licked my heel. So much for looking out for others.
Me been sitting in front of the comp for 20 minutes, with blogger staring up my nose and I still can't think of anything to write. So how?
Crap lar!
I went to jalan jalan (walk around) MidValley. That was on Monday. After my paper in the morning. Before another paper the next day. Yea, I know. I can't believe a nerd like myself wasn't buzy mugging either. But I digress.
Anyway there I was waiting for the train, happy to finally leave the land of eternal sadness, albeit only for a few hours. But I savour what I can. Train came on time. My cheerful mood still intact.
I stepped into a train and pushed a granny aside found a spot to sit. Then I noticed this group of guys congregating near the door. I noticed a few odd glances coming my way, followed by more awkward stares. I swear I wasn't hallucinating. It's the type where ppl intentional turn around to look at you, from head to toe, only to meet your gaze and hastily turn back forward.
Due to the effects of gene selection, my big flappy ears managed to catch bits of their conversation. No, I wasn't eavesdropping. My hearing tends to be impeccable when it comes to listening to other ppl speak about me. The first word that caught my attention was this.
"Endou, not endou meh?" One of them spoke. "Oklar, normal." "Not too bad," said another. "Nope"
I myself didn't know of the word endou till recently so I don't expect you to. It's an adjective in some Chinese dialect. Feel free to find it out yourself. I'm not gonna bother explaining.
Anyway, you must be thinking, why in the world is a group of guys discussing that. Well, think again. Who in the world would NOT agree that I'm endou. Must be blind. @%($&*@%&*!#!
I'm talking about the new reality show on 8tv. Not sure if anyone watched it but I sure did (from behind my textbook) even though I had an exam the very next day.
Actually I was drawn to the show because of all the hype. Wanted to find out what it really was about. Sadly, not much.
First and foremost, the show claims to strife for inner and outer beauty but do truly 'beautiful' people want to appear on national television to fight for the title of Malaysia's Most Beautiful? The fact that you're on tv trying to win a prize goes to show how beautiful (not!) you really are. God, if only I knew the winner would get an apartment worth RM230k, jewellery worth RM150k and RM10k cash, I would have put on a dress and ran (in 4inch high stilettos) to the audition.
Secondly, although the standards of measuring physical beauty in women how long been established, it is however quite subjective. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and three judges does not make a majority.
Thirdly and most importantly, how in the world do you judge inner beauty?! A caring mother, a courageous firewoman, a compassionate mother, a selfless volunteer... these are qualities deem beautiful for a person, yet who is to say one is better than the other? Neither you or me can say for sure because above all, beauty cannot be measured quantitatively.
Though I did find the snide comments by the photographer funny and entertaining. I think the only element that will sustain this show is the constant bitchfest in the coming episodes. So there goes Malaysia's Most Beautiful - she marches up to her (rival), she slaps, she scores!
BTW, some of the contestants are on Friendster. Here's Jesse, who admittedly, isn't too hard on the eye. Pity her English leaves much to be desired.
Things were going well. Me, the nite market, and food other than what my dad regularly feeds me. Yeap, Tue night is when I get to rub shoulders with the general (-ly ugly) population and workout my legs (and eyes).
I already had my laksa and some tidbits, happily skipping along to get some chicken floss and dried meat. Suddenly I came to a stop. Actually, I had not choice but to stop. There right in front of me was a group of people, not too big, not too small, just enough to block off the entire walkway. Me being the gentleman that I am, stood and waited for them to realise how obnoxious they were. Idiots who like to congregate in public areas inconveniencing other ppl always ticks me off.
After about 5 seconds, they started dispersing so I attempted to make my way through. Though the crowd was pretty tight, me being lithe as I am, had no trouble inching past. Then came
in this high pitched, ear drum splitting voice. It was this little girl in front of me. Immediately me head tilted down and I gave her my death stare. If I was Medusa, I would have stoned her, cept the fact that her eyes were level with my crotch hips. But I digress.
Really felt like bitch slaping her, not because she asked me to get out of her way (it was my right of way!) but for her lack of manners. You don't just scream out excuse at the top of your lungs. The right way to do it is to use a low polite tone full of humility. For god's sake, you're asking for a favour. We don't owe it to you. Furthermore, finish your fucking sentence. It's "excuse me". With that tone of voice, ppl would think it's Queen Mother Mary which I might point out, is not you.
Communication is 40% verbal and 60% non-verbal. Please, it takes more than saying it to mean what you say.
You know how some events, albeit trivial, sticks in your head? Well, I have a dozen of those but I'll be a little selective (for now) and just focus on a few special ppl that made an impact on my schooling years. I have many memorable teachers (good and bad), some of which are worth blogging about. And I'll do just that.
"Thank you for your help." "Don't mention it."
To everyone else, that's just a typical exchange of courtesy. However, everytime I hear "Don't mention it" my mind travels back to when I was 14.
Back then I was in Form2 and I had an English teacher who was also the teacher-in-charge of my class. Her name was Pn. Shareezah. She was an ethnic Chinese but married to a Malay.
It was during one hot afternoon when it happened. What happened you ask? Haha, when she thought the phrase lor. There was nothing unusual about it. Yet, I dunno why that particular moment is stuck in my memory.
Dunno why I decided to write this. It's neither funny nor perverted, haha. Nemind la, just humour me, lol.
Woke up at noon today, had lunch, took a shower but ended up sleeping again cuz was kinda tired. Then woke up with a very cool disheveled look, hehe, so decided to take a picture. Days like these don't happen often, hehe.
If you do not know by now, I am actually a Firefox supporter. No, I am not a member of some wildlife preservation group and Firefox is not a flaming 6 foot long bird on the brink of extinction.
Firefox is instead a web browser, one which I find to be very fast and user friendly. If you're not convinced, feel free to click on the picture below. It gives you 13 reasons to dump IE.
On a more serious note, if you're really interested, this is the official site. I dare say that once you're tried Firefox, you won't turn back.
Ignorance is bliss. Life is so much simpler when all that's to worry about what colour to dye my hair, what game to buy&play, what movie to watch, who I shall grace my presence with, etc.
However, I've been reading. Not just my books but the news and particularly Jeff Ooi's blog, Screenshots where he highlight national issues worthy of concern. Reading about our country's affairs is just disheartening.
The state of education is a dismal. Even worse is the attitude of the people in power to make changes, but instead decide to turn a blind eye and try to spin the issue. Then there's the International Islamic University's tudung (headscarf) controversy. By now, I've already heard so many different perspectives on the issue and frankly, it's giving me a headache. Then, there are more people in power who chooses to do some extremely dumb things like restricting access to information. Not yet enough, I read about the lengths our goverment would go to control and intimidate students into submission.
Personally, I find it difficult to love my country when faced with tales like these. Some may argue that other countries have it worse. Well, I don't know. I've never grew up in another country (and prolly never will), heck, I've never even set foot in another country (Singapore doesn't count). All the issues in this country seem to forever surround these two elements, race and religion. What's beyond me is why some people are just so narrow minded. It almost seems that to be either a politician or in a position of power, you have to be slightly more than retarded.
I'm just really disappointed with how things are. It's better to just forget bout these things but honestly, I can't. These issues directly affect me because I am afterall, a citizen of this country. And more importantly, I care about Malaysia.
Today I had an exam at 530pm. Initially, I had planned to return to 'humble' abode yesterday in preparation for my paper. Then, I thought of a better plan. Thus, today, I drove down to KL, sat for the test, dashed out the door 15 minutes after 6pm, jammed on the accelerator and sprinted back up the expressway. Therefore, here I am typing this at home on my inexplicably sticky keyboard.
If you think I'm desperate, well, you're wrong. I'm very desperate. Who the hell in their right mind would wanna spend an unnecessary nano-second of their life their anyway? NOT ME.
My sudden outburst aside, it's kinda a tiring day today. Anyway I should mention now that technically, my sister did the driving, haha. I was sidelined to the role of conductor, in charge of ensuring the safety of all passengers including provide the necessary entertainment in times of boredom.
Translation: Sat shotgun in the car, made sure I had on my seatbelt, occasionally dozed off and had a karaoke session in the car to the amusement (not!) of my sister. I got to her last nerve screaming singing Boyfriend (for the 13th time) so she threatened to kick me out of the moving car (at 120km/h). Yes, this is brother-sister love at its best.
Beloved sis dropped me off in uni while she went to collect her birthday present, which is an oversized teddy bear she couldn't find the means to bring home the last time. It's officially her 'baby' or shall I say, her 9th 'baby'. All the previous ones were given away for adoption. Translation: Stuck in storage where the sun don't shine. So now I'm writing this in front of the computer while she's in the room enjoying the company of her new 'toddler'. After today's trip, me kinda broke d. *Grin* Kidnap and ransom anyone?
The time of the year has come again. This month unveils the 2005 Durex Global Sex Survey! As with our "forward thinking, progressive and civilised" society, subjects involving the magic alphabets S.E.X. always bring lots of hoopla. One would think it's a matter of national security from the reaction of our 'pakcik's in the parliment. However, before we sit down and laugh about the silly comments or ponder about the intelligence of our nation's decision maker, let us first discuss this issue of national importance!
A total of 5,409 Malaysians, comprised of 70% males and 30% females, responded to the survey. The sexiest Malaysian celebrity as voted by the respondents is *drumroll* the all capable , endorsing luxury brands to cheap household products (even rice), never say no girl, Amber Chia!
This year's survey focus on the place Malaysian's are most likely engage in sex (aside from the bedroom) and coming in first place with 44% is the toilet. Everyone with me now - ewwwwwwww. Ok, I'm thinking about public toilet which I personally feel isn't very conducive. However, a clean bathroom, an infinite supply of hot water, and steam fogged showers, wow.... that's Hollywood worthy.
In second place is the car (no surprises there) with 38% and coming in third at 24% is parents' bedroom *naughty naughty*. 10% were inspired by heiress Paris Hilton's 'documentary' titled "One Night In Paris" and decided to film their own. The romantic among us went to the beach and 10% got caught up in the passion. *hot hot hot*
Unsurprisingly, some of us are members of the mile high club and other popular locations is on the list as well. The 6% who did it in school is kinda surprising. One, I cannot imagine how they managed to pull it off without getting caught *tips are welcomed* and secondly, coming from an all boys school, having sex in school can only mean one thing..... which leads me to the next part.
One in 10 respondents admitted to a homosexual 'experience', 29% had one-night stands (ONS), almost 1 out of 5 has engaged in anal sex, 14% had extra-marital affairs and almost 1 out of 10 had a ménage à trois.
Seems to me that the average Malaysian is quite adventurous, tee hee. Suddenly, I sense the future is full of hope.
Just the other night I attempted to write a witty and prize winning slogan when I realised that there was an error with the question.
It goes like this
If Proton SAVVY were a superhero, who would it be and why?
Naturally, I pointed it out to my sis with a snicker. Proton SAVVY being an object (it) should be followed by was, as the past tense.
Then she looked at me dead in the eye and said, "It's correct."
I stopped mid-laugh and managed to mumble "What?!!"
Turns out, if you start the sentence with if, the uncertainty justifies using were irrespective of the object. Therefore, example sentences would be as such -
If he were good looking, I'd be Brad Pitt.
If she were an angel, then heaven must be really desperate.
If they were unfit, then we'll just sell them as slaves.
If I were rich/beautiful/famous, you'd be single.
Boy, why in the world didn't I learn that in all my yrs of skol is beyond me... BTW, this reminds me of the time when I found out (thx to Angelus...) that approximate doesn't mean what I thought it was.... That was an embarassing revelation and another story alltogether.
Ed. Note - I'm no expert at grammar and neither did I dig up my old books. Just trying to best to illustrate the situation. Don't hate me cuz I got all the terms wrong or my inability to accurately and succintly illustrate the point. Hate me cuz I'm cute.
PS. Guys, thanks for the amazing insight. As a parting note, let me practise what I have learnt.
"If I was rich and famous, the world will be at my feet."
Trying to write something profound there's not much on my mind these days but that does not imply I'm empty up there. In fact, it's really full! I can shoot water out of my ears! See~!!
Anyway I'm in a predicament. I'm hooked on this new song, Boyfriend but I absolutely hate Ashlee Simpson. Does that make me a hyprocrite?
I hate you for making me laugh For bringing a smile to my face I hate you for answering my calls I hate you for making me feel I belong
I hate you so much Because you taught me happiness All I feel now is self-loathing If only I never knew what it was like to smile If only I never knew you
Now I know for sure That you are not for me But when the questions are answered What is left to remember? What is left to consider? I just wanna hate you
For putting me through hell The anger The anguish The years of torture
So it's over Where does that leave me? How shall I carry on my life? I'm just glad this is done and over with But I just want you to know I hate you
Cover my ears with the pillow and pull up the comforter over my head creating a vacuum (or so I thought)
*ring* *ring*
@#$&##*@. Won't someone just get the damn phone! Defeated, I hauled my lazy (and expanding ever so slowly) ass off the bed, out my bedroom and picks up the most devilish invention ever by mankind.
SleepyME : Hello *groggily* Boy : Ah Maaaaaaa! SurprisedME : Huh??!! Boy : Ah Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! *sobs* ComposedME : I'm not your Ah Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Boy : Ah Maaaa, please come home Ah Maaaaa *in between sobs* BewilderedME : *puts on my most deepest, throaty, sexy and manly voice* I'm not your Ah Ma. I don't sound like your Ah Ma. I'm a guy for goodness sake. Even if I have a sex change I still can't be your biological Ah Ma! Boy : I miss you Ah Maaaaaaaa. FrustratedME : Boy, I'm so sorry for you but seriously you have the wrong number. I wish I could......
*click, doo doo doo doo - the phone went dead*
ME : You fucking asshole shithead of a jerk. Is this how you treat your Ah Ma!! At least let me finish my sentence. Don't you know how to respect your Ah Ma! I will spank you to kingdom come once I get home, you just wait!