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Me been sitting in front of the comp for 20 minutes, with blogger staring up my nose and I still can't think of anything to write. So how?

Crap lar!

I went to jalan jalan (walk around) MidValley. That was on Monday. After my paper in the morning. Before another paper the next day. Yea, I know. I can't believe a nerd like myself wasn't buzy mugging either. But I digress.

Anyway there I was waiting for the train, happy to finally leave the land of eternal sadness, albeit only for a few hours. But I savour what I can. Train came on time. My cheerful mood still intact.

I stepped into a train and pushed a granny aside found a spot to sit. Then I noticed this group of guys congregating near the door. I noticed a few odd glances coming my way, followed by more awkward stares. I swear I wasn't hallucinating. It's the type where ppl intentional turn around to look at you, from head to toe, only to meet your gaze and hastily turn back forward.

Due to the effects of gene selection, my big flappy ears managed to catch bits of their conversation. No, I wasn't eavesdropping. My hearing tends to be impeccable when it comes to listening to other ppl speak about me. The first word that caught my attention was this.

"Endou, not endou meh?" One of them spoke.
"Oklar, normal."
"Not too bad," said another.

I myself didn't know of the word endou till recently so I don't expect you to. It's an adjective in some Chinese dialect. Feel free to find it out yourself. I'm not gonna bother explaining.

Anyway, you must be thinking, why in the world is a group of guys discussing that. Well, think again. Who in the world would NOT agree that I'm endou. Must be blind. @%($&*@%&*!#!


honestly, i don't know what "endou"...

cantonese? mandarin? hokkien?...

Btw, it's hokkien... and since I am... I totally know what it means..haha... I've heard it used a lot of times here also... (not to refer to me of course... *wink*) Yes, Loopy... I for one agree that you're ENDOU... =)

lucas: i'm not telling. already regretting the post.

jv: yea, i've been told singaporeans use that word too. anyway u're the only one who would humour me, lol. seriously, i'm really not that outstanding.

angelus: took you 5yrs to come to the conclusion, lol.

endou sounds like a japanese name to me, and i have totally no idea wat it means.... But i can slightly guess the meaning, izzit handsome? Ok, im gonna puke, if u'll excuse me

eratter: in japanese it would have been kawaii-ne. at least that's the only similar adjective that i noe of.


that's the word?


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