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My nose is running and my hand can't stop shaking. The mouse cursor vibrates when I try to point. I try my hardest to concentrate and then click on the link. It's now 3am and I just came back.

I just had a cyber session and I'm still high, the adrenaline still coursing through my veins. My fingers twictching and I can't keep my head still.

U'd think I just popped crystal meth or something, but no, I just had a few games of DOTA, a variation of Warcraft III. Yes, it's addictive and at three o' clock in the morning, sleep it the furthest thing from my mind.

God, there's a good reason why I've avoided this game whenever I good and this is it.

My arms and fingers is slowly coming back to me. I'm much closer to my usual 45 WPM (words per minute) now, but occasionally me becomes mme.

Damn, I'm so out of it. Unconsciously, my mouth is still agape, taking rhythmic deep breathes.

*Closes eyes and holds breathe, index finger twitches unwillingly*

I know I promised a review on MI3. I swear it's coming soon. Just as soon as I feel like writing it, lol.

For now, I just pray I'm not back in the cyber cafe playing that wretched game tomorrow.
