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Day 2

Was so hectic yesterday I didn't have time to write about my trivial pursuits on the second day of CNY, lol.

As usual, woke up after noon. Then I went to Jo's house to kick back and chill. She happily served us tea, with sugar and milk. So English, haha... We half-expected her to bring out scones but she didn't make yesterday :P

After boring ourselves with ChorTaiDee, Jo whipped out a set of Trivial Pursuit from 1986! And the UK no doubt. If you thought trivia was difficult, try answering stuff from the last generation. Alas, it became more of a game of charades and Taboo, with us giving each other hints in order to guess the answer, lol.

Then at night went for some horribly boring SMI reunion considering not many ppl turned up, and even less on time. The fun started after though, at CheeLim's place. Really laughed till my stomach hurt and ended up playing mahjong until 5am, lol.

If nothing else good came about this CNY, at least I learned how play mahjong, roflmao.
