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Day 1

Ok, so I woke up at 2pm today. Not like there's anything to do really. I did drag myself out of bed at about 10am to chat with my eldest sis on the phone though, if only for 10 minutes.

Feeling very thirsty, I drank a cup of milk. Yup, such a throwback to the days of my forefathers. I bet back in the day, the first thing they do is sip refrigerated low fat milk while sitting there dazed.

Then while sitting at the dining table collecting myself, dad gave me my angpow which I immediately thanked him for. However, 5 seconds later, I realised I kinda missed something out.

So I added, albeit a little too late, "Oh, I forgot Gong Hei Fatt Choi."

And he just laughed...

Yup, this is CNY for my family.

Which reminds me, mom hasn't given me my red packet yet... Must remind her later.

Not that it matters, considering she pointed out to me last night that I still hasn't opened my angpows from last year. They're all still pilled in the corner of my cupboard. Guess more money for me this year, provided I remember to open them this Golden Rat year.


wtf u haven't open last year's red packets? Must be doing well for urself.

I spent the whole of CNY Day 1... working. Yes, first day of work happily coincided with CNY. At least I'm making some cash, so can't complain much lol

Just to let Mr.sexy knows that he's not the only one working on CNY day 1. Welcome to the club.

And, YH, it's just so generous of u to save those angpows for me, dated back to last year even.

Aiya, i'm sure you'll open all your red packets this year (inlcuding last year's thou =p) cause u'll spend, spend, and spend this year. Muahahahahaha!

angelus - time to pay up the 50k you owe me :P

eratter - by the time u come back in March, I finish spending all your angpow money oredi, lol.

hanz - and who's fault is that??!!! *hint: look in the mirror* stupid shit...

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