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Pics, Pics, Pics and More Pics!

After taking what seemed like hours, I finally managed to upload all of my recent photos to ImageShack. Their servers were crawling today, had I not been a fervent supporter of their service, I would have abandoned it out of frustrations - read: I'm just plain lazy to register for another service.

Now that I've got everything up, suddenly, I have second thoughts against posting these pictures. Somehow, picture after picture of myself is getting kinda old and admittedly, pointless. So I suppose I will give this some thought (or maybe not) and we'll see what I'll do about it...

These series of pictures were taken during my birthday this yr. It was a small affair with close friends, just the way I wanted it.

Jilly-boo baked the cheesecake and she also organised it. Thanks a lot dear!

Me pretending enjoying the cake with Jill aiming the camera.

Poser Alert!! I like how Ivy and me are leaning into each other in this picture. We were at a get together for old classmates...

which were attended by pretty much everyone but our classmates... I really like my hair in these two photos, it's very difficult to recreate but easy to screw up. Makes me question my decision to crop my hair short soon...

Finally, this was just taken days ago. SH is back to suffer 3 months of idling, also known as industrial training. I took it with his Panasonic Lumix (same range as mine but different model) so I was quite adept with it. Such a perfect shot, all those hours of self-camwhoring made all the different. You should see the one he took in the car, without flash, it was pitch black....

That's all peeps!

Oh yea, I think this should be the last time you guys see my hair at this length. Gonna cut it short soon, reckon it makes me look mature and more assertive.