The things I do whenever there's no one home... I found another song to dance do, haha, and been doing a lot of prancing in the afternoon when no one else was around. If anyone ever found out the silly dances I do, it would total embarrassment.
Though I've been going through some rather rough time, I'm still very much convinced that life is worth living. Maybe just not mine..... lol, joking joking.... but maybe not.
There's so much to look forward to in life. So much more for me to learn, experience and enjoy. No way in hell I'd give up the prospects of such good things to come.
Although things have been rather rough, me being very disappointed with my life but I guess that's what growing up really is right. Learning to deal with disappointments. God, I'd rather just grow old instead of growing up. It would have been so much easier.
Though things might get me down, I promise to pull myself together again (0ver time) and strive towards my goal. The day will come when I become completely happy with my life, either through achieving my dreams and goals or just becoming downright jaded and broken. Either way, one day, when most of my life has past me by, I'd be too old to care anymore so I'll just sit by and be content. Till then, painful as it is, I will preserve my ideals and dream.
Ps. I updated the song list to reflects my current obssessions.
And neither do the rest of body, doing the jiggle and sway.
I'm currently listening to Shakira ft Wyclef Jean singing the above mentioned song while bobbing my head left right front and back. Boy, it's not easy typing while my head is in constant motion.
Wait, let me repeat the song again.
God, I love this song. It just tunes my head out of everything and my body loses itself.
It was worth every second scouring the web for the title of this song. What's a boy gotta do when's he's in love but doesn't know what he's in love with? Try every single damn thing.
So I'm home and my hair is a lot longer since my last post. Also haven't shaven in two weeks, haha. I tell people I'm going for the rugged look but I'm just a lazy bugger really. I'm not really bothered, no matter what the look is, someone out there will dig it, haha.
On a more serious note, I went to school today. Partly to do some photography work and but mainly to prove myself. Only to be disappointed in the end, lol.
Something good did happen though. I bumped into Mrs. Yee, my Chem teach who is also my fave teacher. Amidst the groaning during all the extra classes, I really respect her for her dedication and how she really cares for her students. Although I know a lot of ppl shudder at the mere mention of her name but I don't fucking care. I like her and I'm proud of it!! And no, I was not and NEVER was her pet. She doesn't play favourites.
Anyway she remembers that I'm doing mass comm. And someone word got to her that it's a rather not so good (read = terrible) course. I guess I've bitched to every living breathing person around and by now, everyone already knows how pathetic my life really is, haha. (I'm writing this on the world wide web, how could ppl NOT know)
I was very surprised when she expressed her disappointment about it. Finally, someone who feels the way I do and understands what I'm going through. She gave me a lot of encouragement though. She even told me that she has contacts in the industry and if I ever need some help, I could seek her out. The whole exchange was very brief yet I feel much better about it knowing someone really understands and cares about me.
I was tempted to break down while talking to her (as I always am whenever the topic of my uni life comes up) but managed to maintain my composure although some non-verbal signals might have leaked out. God, I try my best everyday so forgive me for being so hopeless. But don't get me wrong, I'm not sorry for being this way. I reserve every right to feel the way I do. Fuck social expectations. Fuck public image.
Generally, I'm feeling rather upbeat now so don't feel sorry for me. Hopefully there will be more updates to come before I go back this weekend. Really feel like writing more.
I literally had to drag myself out of bed this morning at 615 to drop off my mum and sis for their trip. I was consumed by guilt because I had to jump a light and hence, got photographed by the camera. The 300 bucks ticket should be arriving sometime next week. It wasn't entirely my fault though. If my sis didn't take her own sweet time getting ready, I wouldn't have had to rush and felt compelled to try to beat the light.
After dropping them off, I drove, within reasonable speed limit, back home. Just as I took the last corner before my house, I was rudely surprised by a pair of cats. One of which were busily humping the other, right in the middle of the road. It was an unwelcomed reminder of my own pathetic lovelife. I shouldn't be on the road, driving, and alone. I should be in bed, under the covers and snuggling up to the warm body beside mine. God, this must the side effects of all the mushy mushy stuff I'm been watching on tv these days.
Anyway I went back to bed (minus the warm body) as soon as I got home. Even if I don't have a lovelife, I can at least have my beauty sleep.
As promised, I went for my long overdue haircut. Remember my previous "controversial" hairwash? Well, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief because there wasn't a repeat performance. And I'm NOT disappointed. The dude wasn't there. Instead, any dude washed my hair. He had fingers for sledgehammers and wasted no time pounding into my temples. The dude gave it his all. He must either like me very much or hate me like crazy. Personally, I'm convinced it's the latter.
Halfway through the agonising hairwash, I started smelling smoke. For a second I thought the evil fella had secretly set fire to my hair out of jealousy in order to destroy my handsome good looks. Afterall he had a plethora of chemicals in the hair products at his disposal. Turns out, the hair dryer a girl was using two seats adjacent to mine was the culprit. I secretly hoped it would set fire on the client's hair. It would have been a hair raising experience for her which I feel, she would have appreciated. She was going for that look anyway.
Thirty minutes later, I got my much needed haircut. I had forgotten how I looked with shorter hair. Tink I'll need some time to get used to it. However, I am pretty satisfied with how it turned out. For the price I paid, I wouldn't have settled for anything less.
No haircut is every complete without a photo. Therefore, camwhore alert!

I'm too lazy to photoshop but finally, pictures! The world can rest in peace now and I can be a lazy ass again. UWBFAFIB.
Footnote - Updates Will Be Few And Far In Between
That my fren, is that purpose of this post.
Bran was just urging me to post. Then I told him I didn't know what to write about, to which he replied and I quote, "just write something, to let ppl know you're alive."
So there ppl, I'm alive... physically that is. Can't say the same for the spirit. I'll spare everyone my sob stories, even I can't take anymore of myself.
Anyway I sent my camera to the workshop bout 2 weeks ago, and they just called me that it was ready for collecting and that I was RM200 poorer. Not exactly great news.
Then I found out the uni barred me from registering for next semester because I have outstanding fees. Actually, it's more like I didn't pay my tuition for this semester, well, not yet that is. I had every intention to pay, just wanted to wait till the last possible second. Afterall there could be a glitch in their system that would miraculously cancel all my fees, haha.
Facing no choice, I headed over the internet banking site only to realise I forgot my login ID, and my password. So I'm not very proud of my memory. But it was ok. Not the first time anyway, lol. Went on the usual procedure to reset my account. It sounded like a speed dating session, what's your mother's maiden name? memorable date? first time? Ok, maybe not the last one but close, haha.
Anyway still remember the haircut I was supposed to get the last time I came back? I'm going to get it done tomorrow (later today actually) and it's set in stone. No more procrastinating or the occasional bout of amnesia.
Also, I'll be having a DVD marathon tomorrow cuz nobody is going to be home. Mom and sis are going for a nature walk while dad is going to attend a conference leaving a poor, innocent, pretty boy to fend for himself. Actually, I kinda relish the chance to spend some time on my own. Not that I don't do that enough in my pathetic room back in uni but it's something else to spend some quite time in the comfort of your own home.
Therefore, I welcome anyone who is willing to extend a lunch invitation. And yes, I'm desperate. Seems to be the story of my life.
Lastly, feel free to drop a line in the comments. I'd love to hear from everyone who's reading. It's been so long since I've seen many of my friends and just being able to say hi to them makes my day better.
- I'm loopy
- From Neither here, nor there
- I dunno and frankly, I dun care either...
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