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I'm not unwilling to admit that Chris Brown's Forever is my not-so-guilty pleasure at the moment. Even though I don't actually hear any of the lyrics, but you gotta hand it to the producers for making such a good melody out of the synthesized vocal and beats.

But not what everyone knows is that, the single was actually conceptualized as an advertisement jingle first, before being developed into a hit. And what a hit it was.

Actually this is not uncommon really. I was lucky enough to have worked on (very minimally) a similar project back when I was in advertising. The client got a duet recorded by both a local and neighbouring country singer. Then it was used in the TVC and released as a single to the local radio. If I wasn't mistaken, it actually did pretty well on the charts.

Anyway, if you do see this video (or hear the jingle) below in the future, you've been warned.


I guess it's wishful thinking if I ask whether you received any cut of the single's royalties :p

Lol, for one I didn't have anything to do with writing or producing the song.

Also, advertising agencies are in the business of ideas. All original thought conceptualized while under the company's payroll legally belongs to them.

That's just how things roll really.

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