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July 13, 2008

On Saturday, I woke up slightly earlier than usual (1105) and proceeded to procrastinate, just like usual.

Therefore, it was no surprise I was late for my 1pm. I'm happy to say, despite my honorable attempts, I did not break character.

I was quite nice being able to meet up with my sister. We last saw each other close to 2 months back. At the time, I bid her farewell. This time around, we had lunch, strolled around a lil, and she bid me farewell before going back to shopping.

I think we've both grown in the past one year. If nothing else, we've grown accustomed to saying goodbye. These days, it seems like I all I do is say goodbye to people. Something I'm starting to be able to do with sentimental nonchalance.

Back home, I finally managed to make myself pick up a book. Something which I've wanted to do for awhile but let my procrastinating nature get the better of me.

Then later that night, I went out. And I shall leave it at that.